Connect with GatherRound
the Table
Why yet another card game?
After seeing the need for people to be able to truly talk and listen to each other - and many games that claimed to be for all ages - it felt important to us to design a game that truly was for even the youngest of our children where we all dive into the practice of caring about stories we come from and how through storytelling we see the value of being part of each other’s experiences, learn from the perspectives of others, and understand how we’re all connected.
$20 plus tax & shipping
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Who is this for?
Your families and friends around tables of all kinds: family gatherings, holiday feasts, board rooms and staff meetings, ice breakers, and breakfast, lunch and dinner! Works well in classrooms too - as gifts for educators to use at school or home! And what a wonderful way to share the gift of connection with all the families and every teacher at a school - one in every welcome packet!
$20 plus tax & shipping
Free shipping when ordering 2 or more!

How is it a game?
GatherRound the Table gives everyone the chance to practice using and infusing the concepts of care and collaboration, inclusion and integrity, engagement and curiosity in our interactions. Imagine how this strategy could up our game for talking to each other in professional, political and more global conversations. Every question is open ended with opportunities to share stories small and large - an experience with no barriers inviting others in to realize our shared possibilities!
$20 plus tax & shipping
Free shipping when ordering 2 or more!